A Creative Empowered
Young Woman

Above: In Point Blanche near Sara’s home

“A Tireless Advocate for the Environment
Sara is a tireless advocate for the environment. When she’s not working to improve awareness of the dangers of single-use plastic in her homeland of the Caribbean, she enjoys hanging out with friends, playing with her Maltese Marshmallow, making art, and memorizing the lyrics of every song known to man. She plans to win big on the gameshow “Name That Tune” someday.
You can follow along with Sara’s activities on Facebook @breathebetterairsxm. With your help, we can make our world a healthier place for everyone
“Easily Underestimated
but Truly Formidable”
Sara has a quiet strength that is quite formidable because she is easily underestimated. She is not loudly opinionated and gregarious but listens carefully to form her insightful judgments and cannot be pushed or forced in a direction she doesn’t see as the right path. Her ability to clearly and easily see right from wrong is her best strength, and this inner moral compass drives her in her activism. She will never commit to anything big or small and not follow through. She is an empathic person who thrives on positive energy and good interpersonal relations, which is helpful with her activism.
Sara with Breathe Better Air Volunteers making candles for Candles for a Cause Fundraiser.
- 2020 Governor Youth Award recipient and Governor Emissary
- Presentation made to Prime Minister and UN Ambassador during Youth Parliament on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals March 7th, 2022
- Children’s book Author – Kim Saves the Ocean launched Feb 4th, 2023
- Book presented during Royal Family visit at the Cultural Walk Feb 6th, 2023
- Book is used as an educational tool in public schools to raise awareness
Governor’s Youth Award
– Emissary for Governor – Memorial Day
– Emissary for Governor – St Maarten Flag Day