Ban on Single-Use Plastics
As it was becoming apparent that the fires on the Dump were coming under control, it became imperative to maintain the health of the dump by researching real-life alternatives to the single-use plastics that added to the pollution in St Maarten. St Maarten still has major waste problems because there is no waste separation, management, or recycling. Breathe Better Air participated in several trade fairs, and radio shows like Pearl FM Radio with Nisalyna Bontiff to raise awareness and present these alternatives. As the Breathe Better Air Campaign grew, Sara was invited to present the research on alternatives to single-use plastics to the Green Initiatives group. Soon after, Breathe Better Air joined their environmental efforts. GREEN INITIATIVES is a group of NGOs created to collaborate on tackling environmental and sustainability issues on the island.

The No Kidding with Our Kids Foundation presented Sara with a Certificate of Appreciation for her participation in ASA’s Envirofair.
The Green Initiatives met with Minister Wever of VROMI to discuss clean-up initiatives and recycling (read the article). They held the Green Steam Radio Day (read the article) with several members on three radio stations simultaneously to talk about a plastic ban. They also promoted a call for action to sign the “Less Plastics More St. Maarten” petition ( which garnered nearly 7000 signatures.

Sara attends Clean Up Initiatives and Recycling discussion held by Minister Of VROMI Christopher Wever.
Timeline of the Plastic Ban
on St Maarten
September 2019 - Green initiatives releases petition for signatures
October 2019 - Minister Wever discusses clean-up initiatives and recycling with Green Initiatives
November 2019 - Green Stream to promote engagement for petition to ban single-use plastics on St.Maarten
March 2020 - Petition to Ban Single Use Plastics presented to Government
November 2020 - Single Use Plastics ban passed by St. Maarten Parliament
The Science
“Plastic can have many adverse effects on the environment. One of the biggest concerns is that plastic can take hundreds of years to decompose, which can accumulate in the environment, causing pollution and harm to wildlife. Plastic debris in the ocean can be ingested by marine animals, causing injury or death. Plastic waste can also release toxic chemicals into the soil and water, harming plants and animals. Additionally, the production and disposal of plastic can require fossil fuels, contributing to climate change. Plastic litter can also decrease the aesthetic value of landscapes, harm tourism, and affect local economies. It ends up in landfills, where it takes up space and produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas, as it decomposes. Plastic pollution is ubiquitous in every corner of the earth, from the highest mountains to the deepest oceans.”

Sara at the Green Stream Radio Day being interviewed
by Dr. Soc, On Air Radio Personality Island 92 Radio .
Sara presents on Alternatives to Single Use Plastics at the Envirofair held on
August 31, 2019 at the Lions Civics Centre in Suckergarden.
On March 17th, 2020, the Green Initiatives presented a joint support letter to the members of parliament for the implementation of the ban on single-use plastic bags, plastic straws, and styrofoam initiated by Member of Parliament, Sarah Wescot-Williams. (read the article) On November 3rd, 2020, the Parliament of St. Maarten unanimously passed a law banning single-use plastics on the island. (read the article)
Sara is invited to speak at the De Weever School about the Breathe Better Air campaign
and her campaign about Single Use Plastics.

Clean. Renewable. Sustainable.We are dedicated to keeping the island of St. Maarten beautiful by actively creating change in order to have a sustainable and healthy future for all our citizens.
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