A Member on the Council
The Sint Maarten Youth Parliament is a St. Maarten Youth Council Association program for youth 12-24. The program provides training in Government & Politics, Parliamentary Procedures, Debating, Critical Thinking & Reasoning Skills, and Leadership Training.
Youth Parliament Activities:
- Presentation to Ms. Yoka Brandt, Netherlands UN Representative and Prime Minister Sylveria Jacobs on Sustainable Development Goals – Sara presented the concept of a commercial composting facility in St Maarten. READ MORE
- Youth Parliament Organizing Committee Member for Interscholastic Debate.
- Policy writing workshops participant with MP Gumbs and SXM Committee on Integrity
- Parliament Code of Conduct workshop participant with Kingdom Council Of State Member Ms. Maria van der Suis-Plantz

Prime Minister Sylveria E. Jacobs with Sara

Sara with Ms. Yoka Brandt, Netherlands UN Representative
Mission Sint Maarten Youth Parliament empowers the youth of St.Maarten by representing their interests to the Parliament of Saint Maarten through advocacy, awareness, and leadership programs.
Vision statement: To represent the youth of Saint Maarten on social issues as we strive for sustainable development.
What is the Youth Parliament?
The St. Maarten Youth Parliament meets in public sessions quarterly to debate an issue relevant to young people. Members participate in training programs including orientation on their debate topic, parliamentary procedures, functions of Government, public speaking, and research skills. In addition, the Youth Parliament organizes public forums which allow young people to voice opinions on and gather information about issues that affect their lives. These young leaders are actively involved in community service.

St. Maarten’s Youth Parliament
Prime Minister Sylveria E. Jacobs addresses Youth MP Sara Bharwani on composting.